Monday, September 26, 2011

New Moms

I am getting ready to relaunch my blog!  I'm excited to have a couple more moms join me in this journey!  I will be introducing them soon.  I'm excited to see what we can learn from these moms and each other!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mix Up!

Just recently for about 3 weeks I helped take care of 3 extra kiddos (that's why I've not posted in a while).  Yes I am crazy!  But it was totally worth it.  My sister and her husband are adopting!  So, I watched her kids while they were over seas.  She gave me a fun snack idea to do with the kids.

We made what her family calls, "Mix Up."  This is basically make your own trail mix.  It was fun.  I changed her ingredients slightly and we mixed up: pretzels, colorful marshmallows, and chocolate chips.  Not healthy, but very fun!  Then, her kids took our family's "silly snack" idea and made silly snacks out of the mix up!