Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello from TN!

Hello, I am happy to be here blogging. I am excited about my sisters idea.  Yet, honestly I have no idea what to say today. Things have been crazy at our house with bringing Peyton home to us. It is 9:30 and I am finally getting a chance to attempt this post. I have not even blogged my personal blog since like April.  And I have not really blogged our adoption blog since before we left Ukraine.  I am very thankful to not be tired right now... yesterday was a different story... I was so exhausted in every way possible that I was not functioning very well.  Our precious little boy has been home 3 weeks now.  Some things have been hard, some things have been amazing... we love our life and our family. We are excited how God will continue to use us and can't wait to see what he has next for our lives after this adjustment period.

I am not sure exactly what kind of posts my sister expects from me. But I am most likely going to post things about life: about relationships, parenting, community, missions, homeschool, spiritual healing, theology, marriage, etc. I am a deep thinker, analyzer type. I am not very creative like my sister, so it is nice to have a mixture of people on this blog to contribute and learn from. I like her fun ideas she comes up with to do with her kids. She inspires me all the time in how to be a good mom. I hope that I can help inspire, enlighten, educate, intrigue, etc others through this blog.

My sister says I amaze her because I homeschool my kids. I think she is way more patient that I am, lol.  There is really nothing special about me that I can do this. I can't really do it, but I can through Christ and his strength.  It is funny, I call myself an enigma. I don't really make any sense. If you were to look at me, you would never guess I was a stay at home, homeschooling mom of 4!!! I am a tomboy, have been my whole life. I have never fit-in at any ladies or mom events. I don't seem to have a lot in common with other moms or socialize very well with other ladies. I am one of the least patient people in the world. I am not very creative. I am naturally very lazy. I am not very tactful or gentle. I didn't spend a lot of time with little kids at any point in my life. However, I have always wanted to be a mom. That is the one thing I have always known, and know I would never want to live without.

God grabbed our hearts for homeschooling early on. Yet, when the time came for school to start with our oldest, I was not in a very good place spiritually or emotionally and the idea of homeschool was not even in sight. But you know what... God healed me... and then God called me back to it... and I was obedient... and this life is not easy but it's wonderful. If you like the idea of homeschooling or have ever thought about it, you should look into it. Get educated about it, pray, and listen. If you know you feel called to do it and have put it off, then trust God and just do it! But definitely get help, find  community of support, and get involved in the community you live in! We are not called to isolation! Important: Do not look at yourself to see if you have the ability... look to God and know he has the power. Just make sure you go where God is leading, whatever that may be.  The alternative is not wise. 

This journey has been great so far in the short time we have been doing it. I mess up constantly, but I don't give up. It is growing me, changing me, building my character, opening my eyes, etc. I am learning more and more about sacrifice and death to self. I am learning more about my children and growing our relationships. I mess up constantly, but I don't give up. A lot of things are trial and error. I love the flexibility our family can have. I love the freedom in the curriculum and how we can teach them truth throughout the whole day no matter what subject they are learning. I mess up constantly, but I don't give up. As a parent, my #1 goal is to train them up to spread God's fame and build the Kingdom. For us, this path includes homeschooling. It was a calling; one we accept with joy and we keep covered in prayer.

I look fwd to posting more and getting to know some readers.

A book I read recently about parenting young children that I thought was totally awesome is, Loving the little Years by Rachel Jankovic. I highly recommend it!
Another is One Million Arrows by Julie Ferwerda. Again, highly recommend!


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