Wednesday, September 26, 2012


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."  2 Corinthians 5:17

Another renovation story...

We did contract out most of our house renovations.  But, I wanted to paint the front porch swing.  I actually do like to paint.  I don't care for sanding too much, but will do it to make the paint job look better.  I LOVE our front porch swing; it's one of my favorite parts of the house.  I was so excited to paint it myself!  The swing was in really bad shape.  The old green paint was chipping off all over, the chains were rusting, and the hooks needed replacing.  It was still safe to swing on, but my husband and I were not sure for how long.  The boards were also feeling quite rough and we did not want anyone getting splinters.  You can see a picture below with my kids sitting on the old, weathered swing (although I'm not sure the picture captures much of the weathered look).  The kids cannot see anything except the "jungle" surrounding it and nobody can see the swing.  It was hidden by a lot of overgrown landscaping.

I was excited to work on this project so we could have a comfy spot to sit, relax, and enjoy the beautiful country surrounding us.  Before I painted, my husband removed the overgrown landscaping since it was destroying the house and blocking the gorgeous view. 

When I was ready to paint, I first washed the swing--washing away all the spider webs, dead bugs, nasty grime, etc.  Then, I began to sand it--smoothing away the rough wood, getting rid of the potential splinters, and finding what appeared to be new wood underneath.  Amazing how that works!  The swing was already looking so much better.  Next, I got out the paint.  The fun part!  

As I worked on the swing, I could not help but think of the verse from 1 Corinthians 5:17.  As I painted, I meditated on the verse.  I watched the "old" pass away and the "new" begin to appear.  How did the new appear?  The new appeared after a good washing, sanding, and painting.  How do we become new in Christ?  We become new in Christ through the washing of His blood!  

But what happened first?  First, my husband removed the "jungle" surrounding the swing so we could see the beauty surrounding us.  Many times, God has to remove the "jungle" from around our hearts before we can even see His beauty!  Once, we see Him, we can find Him!  Then, He washes us, cleanses us.  After we find Him and become Christians, there are times when we feel like God is sanding us down.  He smoothes down our rough edges, heals us from our past and finds the "new" underneath just like these boards on the swing.  New wood seemed to appear after a good sanding.  

Finally, I painted the swing white--a color that represents newness, cleanliness, purification.  When we are washed with the blood of Christ, our sins are washed away, and we are new, clean, and purified.  Is that not a beautiful picture?  

As a mom, I tend to be really hard on myself.  I feel like I mess up every day with my kids.  I did not handle that situation well; I forgot a promise I made, I forgot to pray about a problem they are having (I am so forgetful these days); I lost my patience; I didn't go through the Sunday school homework for the week or make time for devotions, etc.  But, instead of worrying about everything I do wrong, I remember where He has brought me from. 

Twenty-one years ago this fall I became a new creation.  I found Jesus!  He washed away the "old" me and began to make me "new."  He "sanded" me, he changed me for the better.  He redirected my life down a better path.  He has done this at various times over the past 21 years.  I am so thankful for His love, grace, mercy, and guidance.  And I know that He makes me new every day.  Every day He forgives me for when I mess up.  And every day His grace and mercy protects my children from myself.   :)  He shines through me because of Jesus, because of His Holy Spirit that resides in me.  He shines through me to my children in spite of myself.

I also remember that each day is new, that God's grace and mercies are new every morning and that He makes me new.
"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  Lamentations 3:21-23 (ESV)

Every morning I wake up, I know today is a new day God has given me.  He still loves me and offers me grace and mercy throughout the day as a mom.  I so desperately need Him.  Now every time I see our swing or sit on our swing, I remember how God has made me new, and that every day He continues to make me new.  He does this for all of us moms.  If today was a particularly rough one, just remember God is there offering us the love, compassion, and grace we need to keep going.  When the "sanding" process comes, it may be a bit painful, hard, and we don't want to go through it, but the end result is definitely worth it!  What a blessing!  What a savior!

Below are pictures of the swing and front porch after the transformation.  :)

PS  Thank you to Caroline for putting me on your prayer list back in high school (yes, I saw it!).  Thank you to Sarah and her mom for showing me the way.  And thank you to my Aunt Lorna who prayed for me as well.  :)

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