Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Being Thankful

This year as I prepare for Thanksgiving, I am sad.  I am thankful for this time of year to stop, be with family, and reflect on what I am thankful for this year.  However, I am saddened by the consumerism that is attempting to over shadow this day.  In case you did not know, there are going to be stores open for business on Thanksgiving day with sales galore to entice you to shop until you drop.  However, Thanksgiving is a time to STOP (not shop)--stop being busy, stop being selfish, stop forgetting.  It is a time to enjoy our families, a time to give, and a time to remember our blessings this year.

Don't we need to stop?  Don't we need to breathe?  Don't we need to take a moment and reflect?  Don't we need to catch up with family and enjoy their presence while we still can?  This is a great day to rest. Even our Heavenly Father wants us to stop, to rest, to give, to reflect.  Why would anyone want to throw all that away just to be busy at stores?  Why is it our nature to be busy and constantly "doing?"  Why is it so hard to stop, to rest?  Why must we fall into the temptation of consumerism, amazing sales, and having more and more stuff?

This Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to STOP.  I want to encourage you to slow down.  I want to encourage you to not fall into the temptation of "doing."  I encourage you to spend time with family, rest, and encourage each other.  I encourage you to reflect on all the ways God has blessed you this year.  Furthermore, I encourage you to teach your children to stop, to slow down, to reflect as well.  I encourage you to play with your children instead of shopping for them.  They will probably play with that toy for a few weeks and be done with it, ready to move on to something new.  But, if you spend time getting down on the floor with them and play, they will remember it forever.

So, stop, rest, reflect, teach, and play this Thanksgiving.  :)

With a thankful heart,

1 comment:

  1. Amen Jenny, I am glad I randomly decided to log onto your blog today. It was a good reminder. ( : Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
