Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hang Time

We started a tradition at our house of what would normally be called "date nights" with our kids. However, my son did not like the idea of going on a date with his parents so we have renamed the outings to "hang time". Hang time is a special one on one time with our kids. In our family we take one kid per month out to do something fun or have a special snack or whatever they want within a certain price range. We have four children, so one month I would take #1 and my husband would take #2 on another day. Then, the next month, I would take #3 and he would take #4. We could do every kid each month but that can get costly and time consuming. So we are doing it this way for now. The kids really enjoy their special time with mom or dad. It is nice to get away from the house and have some time to build our relationship. They look forward to this time (so do I). We think it is important to let each kid know they are loved and not lost in the crowd and chaos of family life and life in general. They can see that we desire to spend time with them. It also gives each kid a chance to experience mom and dad in different ways. What are some things you like to do with your kids? Do you have anything like this you do with them?

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