Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Time of Traditions

According to Webster's dictionary, a "tradition" is, an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom)," and "the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction."

As moms, part of our job is to teach our children, to pass down information from one generation to the next.  As Christian moms our job becomes to pass down the truths from the bible to the next generation.  

Christmas, I think, is one of the biggest times of year for tradition.  Think about some of your traditions and think about what is it you are teaching your children through these traditions?  This Christmas I would like to challenge you to add a new tradition.  A tradition to help further teach truths from the Bible.  

Last year, I was convicted on finding ways to "give Christmas away."  Of course, I already wanted to teach that to my children, but was really convicted about it after watching a new Veggie Tales movie and hearing a song by Matthew West and Amy Grant called, "Give This Christmas Away" .  I then went out and bought the book with the same title to get some ideas.  

This year we decided, as a family, to participate in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan's Purse.  We collected 3 shoe boxes--one for each of my kids--and went shopping for toys, toiletries, candy, etc to fill up the boxes.  Then, we wrapped the boxes, designated who they were for (for example, my 6 year old boy shopped for a 6 year old boy) and sent them on their way.  Now, I admit this was a difficult task for my children to pick out toys for other kids and not themselves.  BUT, that is why we did it!  My husband and I are starting a new "tradition" of passing down and living out real Bible truths through this activity.  They are learning how to give to others in need.  Naturally, we are selfish people, so I am not surprised at all that this was difficult for them.  I am thankful though that they did it and for the most part did have fun at the same time. lol  They are also excited that their boxes will be tracked and we get to find out what part of the world they are going to!

Here are a few photos of our day.

So, I challenge you to find a way to "give Christmas away" this year.  You can buy the book, Give This Christmas Away to get lots of ideas.  Here are some more ideas as well:

Samaritan's Purse Gift Catalog
World Vision Gift Catalog

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